Council honors Chief Belmar, men, women of St. Louis County Police Department

CLAYTON, Mo. – The St. Louis County Council members suspended the rules at Tuesday night’s meeting for the adoption and presentation of a resolution.

The resolution presented was in honor of St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar and the men and women of the St. Louis County Police Department. They were honored for their investigation and the quick arrest of a suspect in the homicide of Jamie Schmidt at the Catholic Supply Store in West County.

Introduced by Councilman Tim Fitch of the 3rd District, the resolution was read, expressing the council’s gratitude towards Belmar and the officers for their dedication to keeping the community safe.

Board of Police Commissioners Laurie Westfall and Mark Gaertner, Deputy Chief Ken Gregory, Chief and Detective Mike Busalaki, Lieutenant Craig Longworth, Detective Justin Adams, Sergeant Don Allman and Detective Base were in attendance to receive the recognition.

“These are just a few of the individuals that were responsible for this case, but these are some of the key individuals,” Belmar said.

Fitch noted that the crime occurred in the district which he represents. He said that until the police caught the suspect, it had stopped his wife from shopping.

“That’s how this affected our community,” Fitch said. “The fact that you solved this so quickly was very, very important to the community. Thank you for all of the work that you do, not just on this case but every day.”

Fitch also thanked the commissioners for their oversight of the police department, saying that they also had an important part in the case as well.
